Brazil Nut

Ecologically sustainable

Brazil nut extraction is promoted as an economic alternative to other destructive economic activities. The ecologically sustainable extraction industry, enables local populations to make a living without engaging in practices such as timbering or clearing the land for farming. In fact, because Brazil nut tree flourish only in the wild, they provide an economic incentive to preserve the rainforest.

Our History

URUBATAN PIATÃ is incorporated in Brazil, with headquarters in the state of Rio de Janeiro and is one of the very few companies in Brazil to successfully export Brazil nuts to Europe and the United States.
Brazil nuts are unquestionably a great product to work with and our company is very fortunate to have invested in a commercial segment that trades natural goods which, aside from being appetizing, are recognized worldwide as a part of any healthy diet and also have numerous applications for consumable products. While our goods are most commonly destined to raw and roasted consumption, Brazil nuts are vastly used as ingredients of prepared food items.

Brazil Nut